
In the Highlands...

Living Life to the Full...( John 10:10b)

We've waited almost 25 years to get here...sometimes the best preparatory school is life itself...we only bring the love of Christ as a prerequisite...the rest HE provides as necessary...follow your heart's may lead you a place where you can live life to the full! This blog is dedicated to our children Ervin IV, his wife Sara, their children Chante, Ervin V, Quinn and Theo, to Xavier, his wife Ashley, their children Ethan, Landon and Emily, to Sarah who has experienced life with us here and to our caboose Nicolas who married Caroline, all of you are the ones that have sacrificed us so we could love the least of these here in Guatemala.

We love you and miss you beyond words...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friends in Paquiacah

Margarita had her baby and I missed it by a mere 6 hours. Start to finish, she delivered in 90 minutes, how is that for second baby? She has become very special in my life. Her family received a newly built home by St Johns Epicospal Church in McCallen Tx. Her husband gave his life to the Lord after years of drinking and abusing her and their first child. As a gift for our involvement with the house project they brought us a young rooster. He is now awaiting the soup pot in our freezer. Mayans are very appreciative and kind people. Erv and I have really learned to love them and their hungry hearts for more of God. They have a form of religion but deny the power thereof. Margarita and husband Miguel work hard to eat and provide for their family. Up to her delivery she was walking around with her machete bringing in wood for the stove for cooking. She insisted to teach me how to cook "Guiscoy flowers" which are squash flowers. The Mayans are carriers of peace. Indigenous people have suffered since the Spanish Conquest and are still mistreated and discriminated against. It is true that at times they have a mob mentality but wouldn't you if the law never protects you or watch over your own? They amazed me at their perseverance and resilience against their odds. This is their land, their inheritance and their portion. We are here with them to love them as God does and to touch their lives in His behalf.

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