
In the Highlands...

Living Life to the Full...( John 10:10b)

We've waited almost 25 years to get here...sometimes the best preparatory school is life itself...we only bring the love of Christ as a prerequisite...the rest HE provides as necessary...follow your heart's may lead you a place where you can live life to the full! This blog is dedicated to our children Ervin IV, his wife Sara, their children Chante, Ervin V, Quinn and Theo, to Xavier, his wife Ashley, their children Ethan, Landon and Emily, to Sarah who has experienced life with us here and to our caboose Nicolas who married Caroline, all of you are the ones that have sacrificed us so we could love the least of these here in Guatemala.

We love you and miss you beyond words...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Year and perhaps...just perhaps...

Thought I give this blog another chance...well, maybe I can give myself another chance at it...let me see if I can figure it out again.
Today Erv and I began doing preliminary work on an new mission's adventure. Jorge and Lorena Rojas from McAllen Texas, have fallen in love with the Highlands like we have. We believe we are kindred spirits and thus began this relationship/ministry today. Their heart is to help others live better lives, not richer lives but better conditions physically and spiritually. We are going to build adobe homes for single mothers with children that have been abandoned or widowed and have no place of their own. This past summer they brought a team that built 2 wooden humble homes for 2 very deserved families. We visited with one of them today and their smiles at their better quality of lives, still shine through. Erv and I have decided to move back to Chichicastenago, 30 minutes away through a mountain ride only covering 10 miles. We plan (if God so wills)to purchase a bit of land, build an adobe home and have a mini farm where we can become a bit self sufficient in the future. We will also be working with Pray America/Manos de Jesus where Hannah Scott along with hubby Andrew serve as missionaries and have asked us to join them in efforts to equip the local midwives. Hannah and I are studying midwifery together and have the same passion for women and birth. After 2 years working with Agape in Action and Adonai International, we think we've found our purpose here. We appreciate the experience we gained and the wonderful wisdom these two wonderful ministries allowed us to acquiered while under their leadership. As we move closer to what we feel is our "destiny" here, we thank our Lord Jesus Christ for two wonderful years of safety, provision and a wealth of new people in our lives.